- 美国官方辩称学校的如此表现应归咎于相对盛行的美国移民家庭,他们表现糟糕。
- U. s. officials defended their schools-blaming poor performance on the relative prevalence of immigrant families in the united states .
- 二人表示,尽管这位亲戚将部分礼物据为己有,但多数礼物递到了有关官员手中。
- Although the relative pocketed some of the gifts , they said most were handed on to officials .
- 此次选举将总统职位交给了来自一个不同时代、且被视为克里姆林宫(kremlin)高层中相对持自由主义观点的人物。
- The vote hands the presidency to a man from a different generation and seen as a relative liberal among senior kremlin officials .