- 东方人与西方人的50个思想差别;智者和愚人的50个思想差别;贫民与富人的50个思想差别。
- 50 Thinking differences between easterner and westerner ; 50 thinking differences between the wise and the fool ; 50 thinking differences between the rich and the poor .
- 长期以来,我们常把收入分配均等化当作社会主义的优越性来倍加宣传并引以自豪,而把贫富差距的扩大作为资本.
- Long-term since , we often change income allocation equably regard as socialistic advantage will be publicized doubly and bring with proud , and regard capital as the enlarge of difference of the rich and the poor greatly .
- 富人宽容穷人,就是要通过纳税和捐献的方式,把自己的资源和财富给予穷人。
- The rich tolerate the poor by taxpaying and contribution , i.e. bestowing on the poor their own resources and wealth .