- 有时候简单的一条提示或解释就能避免错误和访客受挫。
- Sometimes a simple tip or explanation can prevent error and visitor frustration .
- 三月的一天,斯皮策博士接待了一位访客。
- And one day in march , dr. spitzer entertained a visitor .
- 就连外国游客都能感觉到很多人不信任政府。
- Even a foreign visitor senses many people don 't trust the government .
- 但是没有忽略了一个事实,萨姆是不同的,甚至比院长还要实现。
- But there is no ignoring the fact that sam is different , even more than dean realizes .
- 印度商学院(indianschoolofbusiness)院长最近告诉我一个惊人的统计数字。
- The dean of the indian school of business gave me an alarming statistic recently .
- 在insead院长弗兰克布朗(frankbrown)看来,emba是一个非常有价值的课程。
- Frank brown , insead dean , believes the emba is a valuable programme .
- 学校管理者杜克央求不要射击,他做到了。
- The school superintendent begged duke not to shoot , but he did .
- 警长已经在等我们了。
- The superintendent was already waiting for us .
- 没有公立学校的负责人会允许这样的数码设备出现在教室里。
- No superintendent of public schools could allow such a digital divide to emerge in the classroom .