- 美国电影艺术与科学学院负责组织每年一次的盛典。
- The academy of motion picture arts and sciences organizes the event each year .
- 他是仅有的得到瑞典皇家科学院认可的二位加速器工程师之一。
- He became only the second accelerator engineer to be recognised by the swedish academy .
- 英国医学科学院上月发表了一篇报告,建议此类实验应设为禁区。
- The u. k. academy of medical sciences released a report last month suggesting such experiments should be off-limits .
- 在一篇演讲中,他对政治中的情感主义严加斥责,大谈对法律,秩序和冷静的理智的需求。
- In the lyceum speech that he delivered as a young man , he attacked emotionalism in politics and talked about the need for law , order and cool reason .
- 1993年从宇航学院毕业之后,我进入了新西伯利亚州的科技大学学习,主修自动化和计算机工程专业。
- After my graduation from the aerospace lyceum in1993i entered in novosibirsk state technical university , automation and computer engineering .
- 他们正在吕克昂学府举办新的展览。
- They 're putting on a new show at the lyceum .
- 参加美国芭蕾舞学院的考试。
- For the school of american ballet .
- 该校在地震前有329名学生。
- The school had 329 students before the earthquake .
- 一些女性高管在孩子的校门口进行远程电话会议。
- Some female executives routinely take calls while outside the school gates .