- 你最喜欢的词是什么?
- What is your favourite word ?
- 我还有最后一句话。
- I have one last word .
- 私有化依旧是个卑劣的词。
- Privatisation remains a dirty word .
- 哪个人物让你感同身受的感觉?
- Which character did you identify with ?
- 你的角色要做什么?
- What does your character do ?
- 你的角色如何表演?
- How does your character act ?
- 其他早期的文字,譬如玛雅象形文字和美索不达米亚的楔形文字,都建立在同样的原则上。
- Other early scripts , like mayan hieroglyphs and mesopotamian cuneiform , are built on the same principle .
- 我能够有很多剧本可挑,决定自己最喜欢哪一部。
- I am able to choose from many scripts and decide what I like the best .
- “好莱坞泄密”组织称他们持有大量有价值的电话号码和许多电影剧本。
- Hollywood leaks claims to have a trove of phone numbers as well as a number of film scripts .
- 论翻译膺选词的指称意义与蕴涵意义间的联系。
- On the relationship between denotation and connotation in diction in translation .
- 论言语交际中的礼貌用语现象及误用问题。
- On the politeness diction phenomenon and misusage issue in the intercommunication .
- 此处的“毫无疑问”,点到了这样一个事实:语气总是与内容相关的,如果内容变了,即便措辞和语体未变,语气也会不可避免地跟着改变。
- Here the " of course " skates over the fact that tone is always in relation to content : if the content were altered while diction and register remained the same the tone would inevitably shift .