- 关键在于三米的深度、泳池边上一个能够消除水波的重叠式管道系统以及两个环流系统(一个位于池底,一个靠近水面)。
- The key , he said , was a depth of three meters , an overlapping duct system at the pool 's edges that all but eliminates waves , and two circulation systems , one at the bottom of the pool and one near the surface .
- 他巡回演说,发行专辑,t恤、棒球帽,奇怪的是,连管道带上都有他的标志。
- He tours and releases cds . His logo appears on t-shirts , baseball caps and , oddly , duct tape .
- 该项研究,重点针对认为是发生于乳腺导管的最常见类型的乳腺癌。
- The study focused on the most common types of breast cancer that are thought to arise in the milk duct .
- 企业信贷渠道的运转速度更为缓慢。
- The corporate credit channel works more slowly .
- 该渠道是在2009年10月6日正式启用的。
- The channel launched on october 6 2009 .
- 一条更窄却更有意思的人民币回流渠道也同时开启。
- A smaller but more interesting back channel also opened last month .
- 危机漏洞越来越大。
- The hole is getting bigger .
- 凡是法律,皆有漏洞。
- Every law has a loop hole .
- 这个孔也是一种强大的氧化剂。
- This hole is also a powerful oxidiser .