- 她儿子站在旁边看着。
- Her son stood by watching .
- 天主选择了的子却向我们揭示了我们的蒙选。
- God chooses his son to reveal to us our chosenness .
- 一位带着年幼儿子站在一边的女士皱起了眉头。
- A woman standing up with her young son frowned .
- 而你会是唯一的种子。
- And you it 's only seed .
- 就靠着这么一斤一斤地卖籽麻糖发了家。
- Relying on such a catty catty to sell seed sesame candy made a home .
- 于是在他的脑子里酝酿了一个“籽麻糖”的计划。
- So in his mind he hatched a " seed sesame candy " plan .
- 平日里胜选者汉沃思子爵stephenpollock是一名莱彻斯特大学的经济学教授。
- In everyday life , the winner , viscount hanworth , is known as stephen pollock and is an economics professor at leicester university .
- “把这些花搬到前厅更衣室去,”子爵说。
- " Take these flowers into the anteroom or dressing-room , " said the viscount ;
- 她是奥尔索普子爵爱德华-约翰-斯宾瑟和子爵夫人弗朗西斯鲁思伯克罗氏(后来以可敬的francesshandkydd为人所知)的女儿。
- She was the daughter of edward john spencer , viscount althorp , and frances ruth burke roche , viscountess althorp ( later known as the honorable frances shand kydd ) .
- 两个年青人在随后的抗议活动中中枪身亡。
- Two young men were shot dead in the protests that followed .
- 可是,这些年幼的孩子表现的是怎样的真实的自我呢?
- But what true self are these very young children expressing ?
- 特别年幼的儿童也能感觉出一个曲调或和声是否正确。
- Very young children can tell if a tune or harmony is not quite right .
- 村上春树是一个温柔的、描画负空间的画家。
- Murakami is a tender painter of negative spaces .
- 然而,政府在挑选合作伙伴时没有采用投标竞争机制,导致贿赂成风。
- However , the government never set up tender contests to pick its corporate partners , encouraging corruption .
- 但他们表示,在投标过程中,安全是中央政府关注的一个问题。
- But they said that safety had been an issue for the central government in the tender .
- 妇女和儿童已离去。
- Women and children have gone .
- 成年子女有心想好好表示。
- The grown children mean well .
- 其中近100名儿童被隔离。
- Nearly 100 children were quarantined .
- 特别是当电影工业的主发起人哈维温斯坦(音译)发现了该影片的潜能以及去年五月戛纳电影节上抢购一空的分销权。
- Especially the movie industry 's master promoter harvey weinstein , who spotted the film 's potential and snapped up the distribution rights ahead of the cannes film festival last may .
- 每几个星期需要建立一个新的地方居住作为群居凝聚力的催化剂胜过熟悉家庭的舒适。
- The need to build a new place to live every few weeks trumps familiar domestic comfort as a promoter of social cohesion .
- 通过可视化单个基因层面的转录过程,研究人员能够得出人类自身促进剂和病毒性促进剂之间转录机制的不同之处。
- By visualizing the process at the level of a single gene , the researchers were able to work out the different mechanics of transcription between the human and viral promoter .