- 模特们在台上化身为天使,她们似乎对这个知名的内衣秀乐此不疲,尽管曾有消息称她们为了穿上比基尼要严格节食。
- The models , known in this context as angels , always seem to have fun with the show , despite reports of strict dieting to get into bikini form .
- 另外,教程也是一个很好的借口,让设计师摆脱了的枯燥设计而从中得到乐趣,还可以记下一些教程作为你的学习生活。
- Plus , tutorials are a nice excuse to break away from the dull side of a designer 's life to have fun , yet you can still chalk up a tutorial as education .
- 不然的话,男人们就会真的对这些性冷淡的女人不再有兴趣。
- Otherwise , male people meets the true woman to these frigidity to have fun at no longer .
- 这只是最起码的娱乐。我可以给你剧本。
- It 's a mere divertissement . I can give you the text .