- “人们开始尖叫‘justin!’并开始往前拥,栏绳都断了,”13岁的aimeemacchi说。
- " People started screaming , ' justin ! ' And they ran forward and the ropes collapsed , " said 13-year-old aimee macchi .
- 在一组优美的镜头中,安德森在几个主要角色同时唱艾米曼恩(aimeemann)的《不会结束》(it'snotgoingtostop)时来回剪切。
- In one beautiful sequence , anderson cuts between most of the major characters all simultaneously singing aimee mann 's " it 's not going to stop . "
- 艾美白兰思老师(aimeeballans)注意到,去年在把自己的辅导与新评估体系的考察细则结合起来传递给新老师们之后,他们都取得了巨大进步。
- Aimee ballans says she watched newer teachers there make big leaps this past year when she could tie her coaching to the specific observation rubric that 's part of the new system . Related : are you a helicopter parent ? Take our quiz !
- 没有人再作弄你你会习惯吗?
- Are you going to ger used to no one driving your insane ?
- 他抓住她的手腕,使她无法挣脱。
- He caught hold of her wrists so she couldn 't ger away .
- 我得把贝基引开。
- I had to ger becky away .