- 随着他变得更明智也更圆融,他的婚姻状况也大大好转。
- As he has become wiser and gentler , his marriage has improved immensely .
- 婚姻生活当中你能做些什么来保持性生活新鲜?
- What can you do to keep sex fresh in your marriage ?
- 随着婚姻生活的发展,夫妻间性的互动会减少。
- As a marriage progresses the sexual interaction between couples decreases .
- 这间工作室提供结婚照服务。
- The studio offers wedding photographs .
- 听起来像一件不错的结婚礼物。
- Sounds like a nice wedding present .
- 明天是我们结婚30周年纪念日。
- Tomorrow is our thirtieth wedding anniversary .
- 他们只能与自己社区内的人结婚。
- They have to marry within their own communities .
- 你是仍然想要娶我,还是爱上了另外一个女人?
- Do you still want to marry me , or do you love an-other woman ?
- 很多女性在结婚前都有一个孩子。
- Women frequently have a child before they marry .
- 主要有三个因素:识字率的快速提高,尤其在妇女中间;不断下降的人口出生率,和近亲婚姻这一普遍习俗的衰落。
- Mainly on three factors : the rapid increase in literacy particularly among women a falling birthrate and a significant decline in the widespread custom of endogamy or marriage between first cousins .
- 从这种原始的漠不关心中,它们可能取得了发展,有的走向内婚制,有的走向外婚制。
- From this primitive indifference they may have advanced , some to endogamy , some to exogamy .
- 无论如何可以看到,内婚制出现在由许多部落融合形成的人口中,几乎是统治种族的一致特征。
- It may be noted , however , that endogamy appears in populations formed by the fusion of many tribes , as the almost uniform characteristic of the dominant race .