- 我母亲超级支持我。
- My mother was incredibly supportive .
- 布罗姆利法官问妈妈。
- Judge bromley asked my mother .
- 她长的像她妈妈。
- She takes after her mother .
- 我可以摘一些紫罗兰给我妈妈吗?
- Can I pick some violets for my mum ?
- 妈妈,我可以再看会电视吗?
- Mum , could I watch more tv ?
- 雷诺汽车公司则保持沉默。
- The french carmaker kept mum .
- 有个姓马的妇人因为吃掉了她的小女儿受审。
- A mrs. ma was being tried for eating her little girl .
- 这些措施都有助于降低环境恶化,马主任说。
- Those steps all helped reduce environmental degradation , says ma .
- 马银江生于农民家庭,家中很穷因此并未受到迫害。
- Mr. ma came from peasants too poor to attract persecution .
- 爸爸挽着我的胳膊。
- My father took my arm .
- 你能让自己不爱爸爸吗?
- Could you help loving father ?
- 那他父亲怎么做呢?
- What does his father do ?
- 两种酒也都是被大制酒商所拥有和制造:closdumesnil是由克鲁格生产,salon由laurent-perrier生产。
- Both are also owned and made by big houses : clos du mesnil is produced by krug , salon by laurent-perrier .
- 杜先生对记者说,他的一个朋友在一家电器修理铺工作,在修理的电视机内发现了纸条。
- Du told reporters that a friend of his who works for a home-appliance store found the note in a tv set he was repairing .
- 见到你真高兴杜先生
- Nice to see you mr. du