- 展览沿着非常微妙的路线展开。
- The exhibition walks a delicate line .
- 如今在佩奇掌舵之下,没有人知道如何或是否这一微妙的平衡能够维持下去。
- With page taking the helm , no one is sure how-or if-that delicate balance will be maintained .
- 而自20世纪90年代的市场总崩溃以来,长年的萧条和经济危机打乱了那种微妙的调整。
- But , since the crash of the early 1990s , years of recession and financial crisis have upset that delicate accommodation .
- 经济增长还很脆弱。
- The gains are still fragile .
- 这种方法被证明是很脆弱的,有若干原因。
- This approach turned out to be fragile , for several reasons .
- 在经济恢复仍旧脆弱的背景下,这绝不是什么小事。
- That is no small matter while the recovery remains so fragile .
- 各种资源的短缺仍在折磨着朝鲜已经非常脆弱的经济。
- Energy shortages continue to ravage north korea 's already frail economy .
- 但是仅仅靠威慑来维持的和平实在太脆弱了。
- But a peace maintained by deterrence alone is a frail thing .
- 菲德尔在斯伯尼的住宅是在哈瓦那西郊一个林荫浓密的院落内,他虽然身体虚弱,极少露面,但他的存在本身无疑限制了改革的速度。
- Fidel 's frail and ghostly presence in his compound in siboney , a leafy enclave of mansions on havana 's western outskirts , doubtless checks the speed of reform .
- 村上春树是一个温柔的、描画负空间的画家。
- Murakami is a tender painter of negative spaces .
- 然而,政府在挑选合作伙伴时没有采用投标竞争机制,导致贿赂成风。
- However , the government never set up tender contests to pick its corporate partners , encouraging corruption .
- 但他们表示,在投标过程中,安全是中央政府关注的一个问题。
- But they said that safety had been an issue for the central government in the tender .
- 每个人,不管是男人还是女人都需要纵容自己一小会儿,不管是去水疗或是尝试一些简单的方法,像新的发型,这会让你感觉良好。
- Everyone needs to pamper himself or herself once in awhile and if it is going to a spa or something simple as trying , a new hairdo can improve greatly on how you feel .
- 今晚就用电影分散注意力或在其他休闲方式中小纵容一下自己吧。
- Distract yourself with a movie or pamper yourself in some other relaxing way tonight .
- 这个瘦小的金发婊子一个超级名模的身体和一个色情明星胸部会尝试宠爱这个角质钉长肥公鸡。
- This skinny blonde bitch with a supermodel body and a porn stars boobs is going to try to pamper this horny studs long fat cock .
- 没有曹士官,你能一个人做吗?
- Can you do it without sergeant jo ?
- maryjowhite有多年打击白领犯罪并且将犯罪分子和恐怖分子绳之于法的丰富经验。
- Mary jo white has decades of experience cracking down on white-collar criminals and bringing mobsters and terrorists to justice .
- 福利普菲利普斯和乔琼斯可能并没有视我们为事业上的竞争对手,但我们依然受到尊重。
- Flip phillips and jo jones probably didn 't consider us challenges to their careers , but we were respected just the same .
- 它们真的很柔软很可爱。
- That 's really soft and lovely .
- 她们可爱,因为她们爱生活。
- They are lovely because they love life .
- 我永远不会忘记到美丽的佐治亚州海恩斯维尔的旅途。
- I 'll never forget my last visit to lovely hinesville georgia .