- 她说未必,例如美国诗人罗伯特洛威儿在接受碳酸锂治疗躁郁症之后,仍然继续创作出伟大的诗篇,而且数年后通过治疗庆幸的获得了奇迹般的康复。
- Not necessarily , she replied . For instance , the american poet robert lowell continued to write great poetry after receiving lithium for his bipolar disorder and was grateful to have a treatment that seemed to be a miraculous cure after years of suffering .
- 这句俏皮话让他俩不由自主地大笑起来。
- This witticism reduced bot of them to helpless laughter .
- 歇后语是俗语的一种。
- Truncated witticism is a type of folk adage .
- 今天政治光谱的一个侧面带着猜疑和不信任的眼光看它,呼应了塞缪尔约翰逊的俏皮话:“爱国主义是歹徒最后的避难所。”
- One side of today 's political spectrum looks upon it with suspicion and distrust , echoing samuel johnson 's witticism that " patriotism is the last refuge of the scoundrel . "