

The Witch    Yoba    The Possessed    


And if you 've read a book called the lion , the witch and the wardrobe you may like to know that this was the very same faun , tumnus by name , whom queen susan 's sister lucy had met on the very first day when she found her way into narnia .
Tilda swinton , who played the white witch in the chronicles of narnia : the lion , the witch , and the wardrobe , said she was " proud " of her third nipple which she calls her " witch 's mark " and used to threaten her brothers with it .
And if you 've read a book called the lion , the witch and the wardrobe you may like to know that this was the very same faun , tumnus by name , whom queen susan 's sister lucy had met on the very first day when she found her way into narnia .