- 一抵达墨西拿后,得找到公车站(和吸烟者的肺一样肮脏),找到坐在卖票亭里自怨自艾的男人,问他能否卖我一张开往滨海小镇陶尔米纳(taormina)的车票。
- Once I 've arrived in messina , I have to find a bus station ( grimy as a smoker 's lung ) and find the man whose job it is to sit there in the ticket booth , mourning his life , and see if he will please sell me a ticket to the coastal town of taormina .
- 在禁止诸如葬礼围巾和做工精良的丧服这些东西方面,殖民地居民似乎一直无能为力,好像对英国商品的渴望本身就是镇压这种渴望的工具。
- In banning such items as funeral scarves and elaborate mourning dress the colonists seem to have been admitting to powerlessness as if their desire for british goods were itself the instrument of their subjugation .
- 在禁止诸如葬礼围巾和做工精良的丧服这些东西方面,殖民地居民似乎一直无能为力,好像对英国商品的渴望本身就是镇压这种渴望的工具。
- In banning such items as funeral scarves and elaborate mourning dress the colonists seem to have been admitting to powerlessness as if their desire for british goods were itself the instrument of their subjugation .