- 利25:39(clv)倘若你们的同胞因穷乏而把自己卖给你们,你们千万不可以把他视作奴隶一样奴役他。
- Lev 25:39 ( kjv ) and if thy brother that dwelleth by thee be waxen poor , and be sold unto thee ; thou shalt not compel him to serve as a bondservant .
- 最自由的君王与最顺服的仆役。
- The freest king and the most subservient bondservant .
- 我将永远不会忘记。
- I will never forget it .
- 为什么我要去那里?
- Why should I go there ?
- 我有时步行去学校。
- I sometimes walk to school .
- 他们是推行奴隶制度的奴隶。
- They are slaves promoting slavery .
- 而北方人则反对任何扩大奴隶制范围的企图。
- Northerners opposed any further spread of slavery .
- 反对奴隶制度的人不希望黑奴制度扩散。
- People who opposed slavery did not want it to spread .