- 在奥克兰和加州,学生抗议者长驱直入至一条大高速公路,阻断交通。
- In oakland , california , student protesters marched onto a big highway and stopped the traffic .
- 一些奥克兰的抗议者本周在总统做政治活动稍作停留的时候把他们的感觉表达出来了。
- Some demonstrators made their feelings known in oakland this week , as the president made a campaign pit stop .
- 警方与示威者之间的冲突令奥克兰市长关丽珍(jeanquan)的政治地位受到了影响。
- Clashes with demonstrators have damaged the political standing of oakland mayor jean quan .
- 我不能选择那最好的。
- I ca ot choose the best .
- 他说上等人不能对别的上等人干这种事。
- He says a gentleman ca n 't do that to another gentleman .
- 一旦ca证书落到不正当的人手中,外部的人就可以创建证书伪装成您公司的一个合法成员。
- And if the ca certificate fall into the wrong hands , outsiders can create certificates that can impersonate a valid member of your organization .