- 因此,谷歌正在针对大学启动扩展项目,提供奖品、研究许可和实习机会,希望能找到有才华的学生。
- Hence the company is initiating outreach programmes to universities , providing awards , research grants and internships in the hope of finding talented students .
- 人们雇佣的那些人都是基于共同的兴趣和在雇佣你之前从你的奖品和奖励当中他们所获得“感觉”。
- People will hire someone based on common interests and the " feeling " they get before they would hire you based on your accolades and awards .
- 这项新娘赛跑运动由当地一家杂志社组织,冠军和亚季军将会赢得奖品,包括她们身着的参加比赛的新娘婚礼服。
- The winner and two runners-up of the bridal race , organized by a local magazine , win awards , including the wedding gown they raced in .
- 西方可以帮助埃及人获得这份奖赏。
- The west can help win this prize .
- 这个奖项让各方十分尴尬。
- The prize has caused intense embarrassment .
- 这样的奖项当然应该颁发。
- That is certainly worth a prize .
- 诺贝尔奖通常被授予那些在生命非常早的时期取得成就的人。
- Nobel prizes are usually awarded for achievements fairly early in life .
- 设立的奖项未必都要有如此崇高的目标。
- Prizes need not have such lofty ambitions .
- 中奖概率和奖金是透明的。
- The odds and the prizes are transparent .