- 他的老师问他如何解决一个难题时,这位天才非常聪明回答的同时打开教室的门回到房间去编码了。
- His teacher asks him how to solve a difficult problem , which the prodigy answers brilliantly as he pushes open the door of the classroom to rush back to his room to write new code .
- 布林,这个数学奇才,承担起处理数学运算的繁重任务这种数学运算将厘清他们对不断扩大的万维网的庞大调查得来的杂乱链接。
- Brin , the math prodigy , took on the huge task of crunching the mathematics that would make sense of the mess of links uncovered by their monster survey of the growing web .
- 波尔加认为,不管哪个孩子,只要教育方法得当,起步早,并加以充分历练,都能成为天才。
- Mr polgar thought any child could be a prodigy given the right teaching , an early start and enough practice .
- 不过立马就显示了我的弱点,我对于向导和现成的对象的依赖。
- Immediately , it showed me my weakness , my dependency on wizards and ready-made objects .
- 清算所是股票交易和衍生品市场的幕后向导。
- Clearing-houses are the back-room wizards of the exchange-traded securities and derivatives markets .
- 巨无霸式的投资银行轰然垮塌;金融术士被摘下面具,现出抑或骗子、抑或傻子的原型。
- Great investment banks have crumbled to dust . Financial wizards have been exposed as frauds or fools .