- 据该地区银行家和投资者透露,典型的回扣比例是,每销售100美元债券提供25美分至50美分不等的奖励。
- A typical rebate is anywhere from 25 cents to 50 cents for every $ 100 of bonds sold , according to bankers and investors in the region .
- 像这样的折扣方案只是想鼓励买者提前付诸他们的购买计划,因此吞噬了未来的销量,90年代法国汽车报废法案的终止就导致了销量跳水20%。
- Rebate schemes like this tend to encourage buyers to advance purchases that they would have made anyway , thus cannibalising future sales . The termination of a car-scrappage scheme in france in the 1990s led to sales plunging by 20 % .
- 外贸企业向退税部门申报出口货物退(免)税时,在提供有关出口货物退(免)税申报表及相关资料时,应同时附送下列纸质凭证。
- Making applications of export tax rebate , foreign trade enterprises shall present to the department concerned the application form for tax rebate and the relevant data together with matrix vouches as follows .