- 最好的赞美该是言之有物的。
- The best praise is specific .
- 人们表扬你哪方面你做得好?
- What did people praise you on doing ?
- 可是赞扬是必不可少的。
- But praise must be given .
- 某些公司同样用精湛的技术自夸。
- Some also boast superb technology .
- 没有哪个国家敢吹嘘有这么多。
- No other country can boast so many .
- 它最喜欢的自夸是它是世界上最大的援助提供者。
- Its favourite boast is that it is the world 's biggest aid donor .
- 但所有这些例子夸大了这一问题。
- But all these examples exaggerate the problem .
- 批评人士夸大了这一任务的难度。
- Critics exaggerate the difficulty of this task .
- 在其他人对自己的有点夸大其词的时候,分析型人士却不能够。
- While others may exaggerate their positive traits , the analytical person does not .
- 詹姆斯敦美国纽约州西部城市,位于宾夕法尼亚州边界附近的肖托夸湖畔。它是一个葡萄生产区和农产区的贸易中心。人口34,681。
- A city of western New York on Chautauqua Lake near the Pennsylvania border.It is the trade center of a farming and grape-producing region . Population , 34,681 .
- 我感觉楼上的土瓜根效果还是不错的.
- I feel the root effect kwa upstairs is still good .
- 土瓜湾街市一般改善工程。
- General improvement works to to kwa wan market .
- 土瓜湾,九城及跑道区的建筑物高。
- Building height fronting to kwa wan , kowloon city and runway area .