- 但该书存在硬伤,使之难以成为体育人类学研究的一部力作,集中表现在结构失衡、内容雷同和观点模糊。
- But the hard wound of the book concentrated on unbalance frame , overlap content and blurred viewpoint make it hard to be an excellent writing of the sport anthropology study .
- 因为他可能会导致这架飞机到不平衡和失控。
- Because he might cause this plane to unbalance and spin out of control .
- 平衡与失衡是矛盾双方的量的比例关系。
- Balance and unbalance are quantity proportion relationship between two aspects in a contradiction .
- 愚人节前一天搬出去住。
- Move out the night before .
- 他们把我的房间租了出去。
- They rented out my room .
- 外面有着更多的暗星系?
- More dark galaxies out there ?
- 我可以肯定自己并不知情但是我们的影响力却明显不平衡。
- I certainly didn 't and the power imbalance was huge .
- 让这些资金流进来赚钱,大家心里都会很不平衡。
- The speculative money inflow may cause psychological imbalance .
- 第三个不平衡与高速发展所带来的环境代价有关。
- The third imbalance relates to environmental costs that have accompanied rapid growth .