- 我觉得这简直无礼得令人发指。
- I find it infuriatingly rude .
- 他甚至对警察都很粗鲁。
- He 's even rude to the police .
- 但是他们粗鲁而有尖刻。
- But they 're rude and sarcastic .
- 演出期间睡觉、到处走动或提前离开都是不礼貌的
- It is also impolite for you to sleep , walk around or leave during the performance .
- 接下来若热不停的请求并道歉,他强调说他需要回到位于斯威士兰的外交岗位上去,还表示他对有如此愚蠢和不礼貌的旅行同伴感到非常羞耻。
- A mix of pleas and apologies followed , with jorge stressing that he needed to return to his diplomatic work in swaziland and how deeply ashamed he was to be with such a stupid and impolite travel companion .
- 这项由市场调查公司tnsinfratest为在线旅行社expedia所做的调查显示,法国游客排在最后一名,他们不讲本地语言,而且被认为不礼貌。
- They finish in last place in the survey carried out for internet travel agency expedia by polling company tns infratest , which said french holidaymakers don 't speak local languages and are seen as impolite .
- 不慎重的话她是不会说的。
- She would not say anything indiscreet .
- 如果你能慎重地告诉我一些消息,就不必犹豫。
- If you can give me some news without being indiscreet , do not hesitate .
- 吵闹者说话时吵闹,易愤慨,或不慎重的人。
- One given to loud , irritating , or indiscreet talk .