- 追逐充实忙碌之余,别忘了犒赏一下自己,在悠闲的午后,摆张素净的原木家具,配点下午茶,来场与天地结合的心灵飨宴,好好享受大自然的洗礼。
- After chasing a substantiating busy , don 't forget to reward oneself with bounties , at leisurely afternoon , put pieces of plain log furniture , mix some afternoon tea , come between field and soul that world combine offer to the dinner , enjoy the baptism of the nature .
- 追逐充实忙碌之馀,别忘了犒赏一下自己,在悠闲的午后,摆张素净的原木家具,配点下午茶,来场与天地结合的心灵飨宴,好好享受大自然的洗礼。
- After chasing a substantiating busy , do not forget to reward oneself with bounties , at leisurely afternoon , put pieces of plain log furniture , mix some afternoon tea , come between field and soul that world combine offer to the dinner , enjoy the baptism of the nature .