- 我如何能负担那些损失?
- What can I afford to lose ?
- 辛格先生已经没什么可输的了。
- Mr singh has little to lose .
- 欧洲各国不必失去信心。
- Europeans need not lose heart .
- 有时我确实很想念美国。
- I do miss america sometimes .
- 不要错过你的演讲机会。
- Don 't miss your own talk .
- 我猜你会想念她呢。
- I suspect you 'll miss her .
- ald是由x染色体中一个产生ald蛋白质的基因缺陷所引起的。
- Ald is caused by a defect in an x chromosome gene that produces a protein called ald .
- 周三,出使阿拉伯联合酋长国的阿卜杜勒拉提夫(abdellatif)成为了第四个叛逃的叙利亚大使。
- On wednesday abdel latif al-dabbagh , envoy to the united arab emirates , became the fourth syrian ambassador to defect .
- 朝鲜政府级别最高的叛逃官员、上世纪60年代曾教过金正日的前大学教授黄长烨(hwangjangyop)2009年接受采访时说,金正日从没有做过什么难事。
- Hwang jang yop , the highest-ranking north korean government officer ever to defect and a college professor of mr. kim 's in the 1960s , said in a 2009 interview that mr. kim never did anything difficult .
- 媒体报道显示,事故发生时这架单引擎飞机正在离地几英尺的空中悬停准备降落,此时遇到了阵风。
- Media reports suggest that the mishap occurred when the single-engined aircraft was caught by a gust of wind while hovering a few feet above the ground before landing .
- 菲律宾也呼吁朝鲜放弃火箭发射计划,并警告渔船在火箭发射窗口期不要冒险出海打渔,以免发生不幸。
- The philippines also called for the launch to be scrapped and warned fishing vessels against venturing out during the launch window , due to the chance of a mishap .
- 一些政治观察家们指出,善于自嘲的约翰逊也许是唯一一位碰上如此不幸事件仍能保持其尊严完好无损的英国政治家。
- Several political observers have noted that the self-deprecating johnson is perhaps the only politician in britain who could escape from such a mishap with his dignity intact .
- tpg及其投资者损失了所有的投资。
- Tpg and its investors lost all their money .
- 而球队仍然损失3.7亿美元?
- And teams still lost $ 370 million ?
- 农民们损失了大多数的庄稼和牲畜。
- Farmers lost most of their crops and animals .
- 今年三季度福特在欧洲的生意出现亏损。
- Ford slipped into loss in europe in the third quarter .
- 这是该银行40年来首次出现半年度亏损。
- It was the bank 's first half-year loss in four decades .
- bunge上周公布的第二季度营运业绩意外出现亏损。
- Bunge last week posted an unexpected operating loss in the second quarter .