- 托勒密地心说(认为地球是宇宙中心的理论)宇宙模型的示意图,作者是葡萄牙宇宙学家和制图师巴托洛梅韦柳。
- Illustration of the ptolemaic geocentric modelof the universe ( the theory that the earth is the center of the universe ) by portuguese cosmographer and cartographer bartolomeu velho .
- 托勒密地心说(认为地球是宇宙中心的理论)宇宙模型的示意图,作者是葡萄牙宇宙学家和制图师巴托洛梅韦柳。
- Illustration of the ptolemaic geocentric modelof the universe ( the theory that the earth is the center of the universe ) by portuguese cosmographer and cartographer bartolomeu velho .
- 喜欢gui程序的读者可以试试,可以在universe软件仓库中找到它。
- For those of my readers who prefer gui alternatives where possible , there you go . It 's available in the universe repository .
- 或者是天市中的遥远的街灯。
- May be heaven 's distant lamps .
- 我感觉像是到了天堂。
- I thought I was in heaven .
- 怎么会容许这种事情发生,只有天知道。
- How this was allowed to happen , heaven alone knows .