- 还有我们再说到湖南,太平天国被谁灭的?
- And we say to hunan , taiping whom the accursed ?
- 太平郊区离广州市区有一个小时的车程,凌晨四点,天还没亮,卫报记者发现,野生动物交易者避开官方和保护组织的视线偷偷转移他们的货物。
- At 4 am in a dark suburb of taiping , about an hour 's drive from downtown guangzhou , the guardian found exotic animals traders covertly plying their wares out of sight of the authorities and conservationists .
- 本篇论文探讨的时代以晚清鸦片战争、太平天天国革命为范围,以女性乱离书写为主题,期盼藉此呈现晚清前期(道光咸丰年间)女诗人的个体、群体意识,以及她们的书写、文化生活。
- The theme of this essay is the feministic war literature and creative writing which is focused the era of opium war and taiping rebellion . It presents the individual and group consensuses of female poets of early late-ching dynasty , and describes their writing and culture life .