- 小燕子与紫薇重逢后,在皇宫如虎添翼,两人在宫里连手制造许多的震撼,也经历许多的“惊涛骇浪”和“水深火热”。
- After the small swallow and the crape myrtle has a reunion , in the imperial palace even more powerful , two people continually the hand makes many shocking in the palace , also experiences many " difficult situation " and " abyss of suffering " .
- 本文对故宫博物院与卢浮宫、冬宫(艾尔米塔什)三座皇宫博物馆的开放进行了比较研究。
- This paper makes a comparative study of the opening of the palace museum , louvre and the state hermitage , three imperial palace museums .
- 伪满皇宫博物院-赐宴殿。
- The puppet manchukuo government imperial palace museum - bestows the feast palace .