- 命运会给你很多新的机会。
- Destiny will throw up so many new opportunities .
- 并最终决定你的命运。
- Your decisions determine your destiny ...... .
- 也许雅各布是我的命运。
- Maybe jacob is my destiny .
- 这个名称在那个时期是一种幸事,它帮助阻止了一项旨在建立一条从城区心脏地带穿过的快车道的建议。
- This designation was a blessing in those years as it helped fight proposals for a freeway across the heart of the area .
- 在美国最拥堵的城市洛杉矶,研究人员将附近高速公路的空气输入实验室,并在这种空气中饲养老鼠。
- Researchers in los angeles , the u.s. 's most congested city , are studying lab mice raised on air piped in from a nearby freeway .
- 401号公路或麦克唐纳卡地亚高速公路开始于底特律-温莎大使桥,并最终落脚于蒙特利尔附近的魁北克省边境。
- The 401 or macdonald cartier freeway starts at the detroit-windsor ambassador bridge and culminates at the quebec border near montreal .