- 传说就是这样诞生的。
- Thus the legend was born .
- 到底瑜伽时怎么诞生的?
- After all how was yoga born ?
- 我是问你什么时候出生的。
- I asked when you were born .
- 这是与生俱来的还是社会分化呢?
- Is this innate or from socialization ?
- 相信你具有天生的幽默感。
- Trust in your innate sense of humor .
- 最后,民主将一定证明它与生俱来的强大力量。
- In the end democracy will surely prove its innate strength .
- 这种观点认为人有先天的感受器,包括道德和自由的概念,它们都能支配行为。
- This suggests that there are inborn senses in people , including the notions of morality and freedom that can dictate behavior .
- 有些人的自欺倾向似乎是与生俱来的,有些人则可能是在应对各种问题和挑战的过程中后天形成的。
- In some people , the tendency seems to be an inborn personality trait . Others may develop a habit of self-deception as a way of coping with problems and challenges .
- 先天的道德观念提供了行为的指导,它将会对判断作出强烈的影响,此外人们的个性也将会影响行为模式。
- The inborn sense of morality provides guidelines for behavior that will strongly influence decisions . People 's personalities will also influence patterns of behavior .
- 这一战略的内在矛盾令其越来越站不住脚。
- The tensions inherent in this strategy are making it increasingly untenable .
- 市场共识面临的首次考验,揭示了其中内在的罅隙。
- This first test of the consensus view revealed its inherent flaw .
- 适应力是所有成功生物种类先天就固有的。
- Resilience is inherent to any successful species .