- 改善期限内遇天然灾害或可归责於厂商之因素,经签奉核准者,酌予延长.
- In the event of a natural disaster or factors not attributable to the supplier , the deadline for completion of remedial work may be extended according to the circumstances with prior approval .
- 如果没有别的,那么这次飓风完全提醒了人们一场自然灾害不会总能让一位总统看上去更具总统风范:小布什曾给予了布朗一次臭名昭著的表扬,说他做了“许多有益的工作”。
- This was if nothing else a reminder that a natural disaster does not always help a president look presidential : george w. bush notoriously praised " brownie " for doing " a heck of a job " .
- 报告说:“尽管由地震海啸引发,但随后发生在福岛第一核电站的事故却不能被认为是自然灾害。”
- " Although triggered by these cataclysmic events , the subsequent accident at the fukushima daiichi nuclear power plant cannot be regarded as a natural disaster , " it said .