- 特点对土星月球土卫二被命名为字符和地方从经典的文学作品天方夜谭。
- Features on the saturn moon enceladus are named for characters and places from the classic literary work arabian nights .
- 当我们在丹麦时,我们参观了汉斯?克里斯蒂安?安徒生的故居,还对他写的童话进行了一番讨论,比如《小美人鱼》;在德国,我们去了哈默尔恩村花衣魔笛手那个童话的起源地;在巴格达,我们研究童话《一千零一夜》;而在印度及日本的寺庙里,亚洲的童话故事跃然眼前。
- When we were in Denmark , we visited the home of Hans Christian Andersen , and discussed his stories , such as The Little Mermaid . In Germany , we went to the village of Hamelin , where the tale of the Pied Piper takes place . In Baghdad , it was Arabian Nights . In the temples of India and Japan , the tales of Asia came to life .
- 人们在遭受到报复后才会意识到自己犯下了错误,但是为时已晚,想要让地球恢复到以前那样,就如同天方夜谭一样变得那么虚幻了,以前那美丽的地球也将成为人们那美好的回忆了。
- The people after being exposed the retaliation only will then realize oneself commit mistake but will be too late wanted to let the earth restore to before such was similar to arabian nights becomes equally that unreal before that beautiful earth will also become people that happy recollection .