- 黎明之前的价差总是最黑暗的。
- The spread is always darkest before the dawn .
- 没人想过缅甸民主的曙光会像雷声一样迅猛出现。
- Nobody ever expected myanmar 's democratic dawn to come up quite like thunder .
- 自从商业化互联网初露曙光,技术就让内容黯然失色了。
- Since the dawn of the commercial web , technology has eclipsed content .
- 它们看不到日光,一直到被送去屠宰。
- They don 't see daylight until they are shipped for slaughter .
- 其实我们只需要更有效地利用现有的白昼时间。
- We could just make more effective use of the daylight we have .
- 天已经亮时我们还在睡觉,因此对白昼的利用不够充分。
- We sleep when it is light , and hence use daylight inefficiently .