- 安全感大都是迷信。
- Security is mostly a superstition .
- 军队通常驻扎在兵营里。
- Armies mostly stay in their barracks .
- 但是他们大多是自由贸易国。
- But they are mostly free traders .
- 有创造力的人聚集并不仅仅是他们想彼此围绕,也不是因为他们碰巧都选择了能提供各种兴事的世界性中心,尽管所有这些事都将成真。
- Creative people cluster not simply because they like to be around each other , or because they all happen to prefer cosmopolitan centers with lots of amenities , though both of those things tend to be true .
- 培养国际观及认色科技对全球环境的影响。
- Cultivation of cosmopolitan worldview and understanding global environment .
- 她的家有一种由她的环球旅行所激发的世界性的感觉。
- Her home has a cosmopolitan influence inspired by her travels around the world .
- 妈妈、爸爸原谅我吧。
- Minutes tatu mama , papa forgive me .
- 人类应该学会大度,这样才能与自然共存。
- Tatu mankind should learn , in order to coexist with nature .
- 两年后,通过“援助工匠”和artecnica,他创作了一款名为tatu的网架咖啡桌,这个桌子可以分解成一个碗、一个盘子和一个篮子。
- Two years later , through aid to artisans and artecnica , he created tatu , a wire table that breaks down into a bowl , a tray and a basket .