- 本.雷利被认为是猩红蜘蛛的伪装,和他的“兄弟”彼得在同一战线,直到彼得想从同罪恶做斗争中暂歇一下。
- Ben reilly assumed the guise of the scarlet spider , fighting alongside his " brother " until peter decided to take a break from fighting crime ..
- 一对来自南京的年轻人受即将到来皇室婚礼影响,与魁伟的保安伴随,头戴皮帽,身着猩红外套,完成了他们的婚礼。
- A couple in nanjing have married in a ceremony inspired by the forthcoming royal nuptials , complete with guards in tall , furry hats and scarlet coats .
- 举个例子,在2009年,由新泽西罗格斯大学开发的名为“猩红骑士”的水下滑翔机仅用一块电池就完成了穿越大西洋的壮举但整个过程持续了七个月之久。
- In 2009 , for example , a glider called scarlet knight , operated by rutgers university , in new jersey , crossed the atlantic on a single battery charge , though it took seven months to do so .