- 在曼哈顿,总部位于苏黎世的瑞士信贷集团(creditsuisse)在公司礼堂转播有美国队和瑞士队参与的世界杯赛事。
- In manhattan , zurich-based credit suisse is showing u. s.and swiss world cup games in its auditorium .
- 不过他们的家已经被摧毁,他们现在寄宿于疏散中心的大礼堂。
- Their homes were destroyed , so they are sleeping in the giant auditorium at the evacuation centre .
- 另有一份录像显示他似乎在一个大礼堂中的样子,身旁坐着两位身着军装的人。
- A separate video appears to show him in an auditorium , flanked by two men in military uniforms .
- 威斯敏斯特厅是议会大厦最古老的部分。
- Westminster hall is the oldest part of parliament .
- 这个大厅有许多的们和出口。
- This hall had many doors and openings .
- 整个大厅的人都在鼓掌。
- The entire hall was applauding .