

Hamilton 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Who among today 's mediocrities could pretend to be a new hamilton ?
- 如今的庸才中谁会逞强成为一个新汉密尔顿?
- Yet for hamilton , assuming the debt was a necessary price of liberty .
- 但是在汉密尔顿看来,共同承担债务是赢得自由的必要代价。
- America in hamilton 's time was a young , post-revolutionary republic .
- 汉密尔顿时期的美国是一个年轻的,后革命时代的共和政体。
- Foreshadowing the rifts within europe today , hamilton 's plan was deeply divisive .
- 和今天欧洲内部纷争的状况类似,汉密尔顿的计划当时也是毁誉参半。
- Hamilton notes that the airbus a380 also had issues in its first few years of service .
- 汉密尔顿指出空客公司的a380在服役的前几年也出过不少问题。
- The lads started calling him lewis hamilton because he 's quicker than lewis 's car .
- 队里的小伙子们开始称他刘易斯-汉密尔顿---因为他比刘易斯的车更快。
- When I asked about the bhopal protests , mr hamilton was more halting .
- 当我问到外界有关印度博帕尔事件的抗议时,汉密尔顿表现得有些犹豫。
- The man who initiated that role , alexander hamilton , was a nationalist .
- 政府角色的发起人名叫亚历山大汉密尔顿,他是个民族主义者。
- Q : did you realise the significance of lewis hamilton fighting with you on the final lap ?
- 提问:你是否意识到刘易斯汉密尔顿与你在最后一圈的较量的重要性?
- Oil prices were rising before each of those recessions , as james hamilton rightly noted .
- 正如詹姆斯汉密尔顿指出的那样,在每次衰退之前,油价都会上涨。