- 但是在其他公司也有这种同样很善良员工,但是他们从来都不会向客户提供这种体验。
- But there are plenty of equally good-hearted people in other companies who would never think to offer something extra to a customer .
- 但是去过家乐福超市或者国美家电的人们会告诉你有很多的人都在排队购物。
- But anyone who has been to a carrefour hypermarket or gome appliance store can tell you there are plenty of people lining up to buy .
- 美国政府中有很多人认为,这种前景是头脑不清的欧洲人的恶毒想法;在法国总统尼古拉萨科齐(nicolassarkozy)继续鼓吹这个观点的时候,情况可能就愈发如此。
- There are plenty of people in washington who dismiss such a prospect as the malevolent thinking of woolly-headed europeans ; the more so , perhaps , when france 's nicolas sarkozy keeps trumpeting it .