- 有大智慧的人,他们沉稳,宁静,心胸开阔;半瓶醋的人,则喋喋不休。
- Those possessed of great wisdom are composed , tranquil , and open-minded while the dabblers are chatty .
- 与一些流行的观点,过时研究以及从一些女性杂志的非凡感悟相反,研究者没有发现云雨后男人比女人更快入睡。
- Counter to popular opinion , a dated study , and the great wisdom of many lady mags , researchers have not found that men fall asleep faster than women after sex .
- 十分理性及拥有高度的智慧,有很强的洞察力,重视思维上的修养,是和从事作家,宗教家,学者,而传统艺术品的工匠亦可一试。
- You are quite reasonable . You have great wisdom and strong insight . You value the accomplishment of thought . The suitable jobs are writer , religionist and scholar . You can also try to be an artisan of traditional work of art .