- 世界上访问者最多的城市,就是这里,拥有庞大人才资本的首都,这城市中庄严肃穆的官方建筑与许多城区的日常魅力始终融合在一起。
- The most visited city in the world , here is a capital whose great talent has been to interweave the grandeur of its official buildings with the everyday charm of its many quartiers .
- 无数的事例证明,很多儿童时期智力超常的人,成年以后在某方面获得了卓越的成就,对人类的文明进步作出了重大贡献。
- It has been proved by numberless facts that many of those who showed a great talent in their childhoods , will make remarkable achievements in the adulthood , and will make enormous contributions to the development of civilization .
- 吸引具有广泛背景的女性:技术公司招聘人才时可以扩大搜索范围,而不仅仅局限于具有传统科技背景的人才。
- Attract women with a wide range of backgrounds : tech companies can recruit great talent by widening their search beyond individuals with traditional tech backgrounds .