- 惊艳俯视:德哈维兰公司的河狸双翼机搭载水肺潜水者们到大堡礁的hook礁和hardy礁。
- Amazing aerial view : a de havilland beaver biplane delivers scuba divers to hook and hardy reef on the great barrier reef , australia
- 惊艳俯视:德哈维兰公司的河狸双翼机搭载水肺潜水者们到大堡礁的hook礁和hardy礁。
- Amazing aerial view : a de havilland beaver biplane delivers scuba divers to hook and hardy reef on the great barrier reef , australia
- 该岛面积大约为100英亩,位于班达伯格昆士兰镇东北方向46海里处,并且拥有大堡礁海洋公园最南边的珊瑚礁。
- The island of approximately 100 acres lies 46 nautical miles north-east of the queensland town of bundaberg and is the southern-most coral cay of the great barrier reef .