- 大乘佛法必须要走群众路线。
- Mahayana buddhism must take the path of serving the mass public .
- 宗教:75%的居民信奉大乘佛教,25%信奉印度教。
- Religion : mahayana buddhist 75 % , hindu 25 % .
- 譬如大海不宿死尸,大乘海中不容悭者。
- Just as the ocean puts up no corpses , so the sea of the mahayana accommodates no misers .
- 金妈,赶快给姨太太梳头。
- Chin mah , hurry up and do your mistress 's hair .
- 情侣们穿着酒店的拖鞋和浴衣便可直奔海滩,户外吧里,年长的客人摊开沙滩浴巾、玩起了麻将。
- Couples shuffle to the beach in their hotel slippers and marriott robes , while elderly guests play mah jong on a beach towel at an outdoor bar .
- 他们沮丧能力低(2000年至3000年酸酐)含有重金属危害环境.
- They have dismally low capacities ( 2000-3000 mah ) and contain heavy metals that harm the environment .