- 滑雪旅游爱好者往往是年轻气盛,经验非常丰富,在穷乡僻壤的旅游知识。
- Ski touring enthusiasts tend to be young and fit , very experienced and knowledgeable in backcountry travel .
- 如果由仁慈而知识渊博的独裁者来施政,那么货币决策与财政决策应该齐头并进。
- If policy were conducted by benevolent and knowledgeable dictators , monetary and fiscal decisions would be run together .
- 保罗突然意识到自己一定要变得更加博学,因为只有这样别人才肯听取他的意见,于是他就决定上大学去学习植物学。
- He realized he needed to be more knowledgeable before anyone would listen to him , so he went to college to study botany .