- 韩国外交部表示:“对于日本首相安倍4月份向靖国神社奉送供品的行为,我们感到非常遗憾,靖国神社美化了过去的侵略战争,并供奉着战犯。”
- " It is very regrettable that japanese prime minister abe sent an offering in april to yasukuni shrine , which glorifies the past war of aggression and honours war criminals , " seoul 's foreign ministry said .
- 韩国外交部表示:“对于日本首相安倍4月份向靖国神社奉送供品的行为,我们感到非常遗憾,靖国神社美化了过去的侵略战争,并供奉着战犯。”
- " It is very regrettable that japanese prime minister abe sent an offering in april to yasukuni shrine , which glorifies the past war of aggression and honours war criminals , " seoul 's foreign ministry said .
- 在他一本名为《圣战的法理学》的厚重的新书中,卡拉达维重申了他的信念:穆斯林有权反抗“侵略”和“外国占领”。
- In a hefty new book , titled " the jurisprudence of jihad " , mr qaradawi restates his belief in the right of muslims to resist " aggression " , and " foreign occupation " .