- 我们只是不得不非常非常小心,尤其当我们坚定断言一特定基因(与疾病)的结合。
- We just have to be very , very careful when we assert with certainly the association of a particular gene .
- 当然,确定性是具有不同程度的,并且一个人强调这一事实时必须十分小心仔细,因为否则的话一个人便会陷入彻底的怀疑主义,而完全的怀疑主义当然是彻底无益且完全无效的。
- Certainly there are degrees of certainty , and one should be very careful to emphasize that fact , because otherwise one is landed in an utter skepticism , and complete skepticism would , of course , be totally barren and completely useless .
- 我会非常小心的。
- I will be very careful .