- 抄袭甚至还可以起到宣传作用。
- Copying can even serve as advertising .
- 但是,抄袭也有其积极作用。
- But copying has an upside too .
- 他们利用复制的方法代替建模。
- Instead of modelling , they are copying .
- 发债券并不是印钱。
- Bonds are not printing money .
- 印刷术传入日本也是在这个时期。
- Printing was introduced into japan during this period .
- 印钞票在这种情况下也无可厚非,但是采用这种办法的回报在减少。
- Printing more money is justifiable in the circumstances , but still a tool offering diminishing returns .
- 对生命最初究竟是怎样产生的猜测和其复制情况,绍斯塔克也不甚在意。
- Szostak also doesn 't care for guessing exactly how life happened the very first time and then duplicating it .
- 现在我们就得到了一个基本的子弹孔的样子,我建议将这些图层编成一组,然后复制一次。
- Now that we 've got our main bullet hole , I suggest making a layer group out of it , then duplicating this layer group .
- 谷歌正在用其网络服务复制我们能在本地电脑上的一切操作。
- With its web services , google has been slowly duplicating everything that we can do locally on our computers .
- 这项法案允许一些复制音乐片段、视频片段或者文字片段,而且允许老师在不用向出版商支付大量费用的情况下影印一些特定的材料。
- It allowed limited replication of snippets of music , video and text , and it gave teachers the right to photocopy certain materials without having to pay hefty fees to publishers .
- 记者不准复印一切资料,于是就很难向其他专家咨询这些信息意味着什么。
- The reporters were not allowed to photocopy any documents , making it harder for them to ask other experts what the medical findings might imply .
- 然而,我将把所有笔记都带到2011年伊斯坦布尔aeias会议上,在那里,它们将被用于查阅以及合理的影印。
- I will , however , bring all notebooks to the 2011 aeias conference in istanbul , where they will be available for consultation and , within reason , photocopy .
- 它还可以隐藏重复的电子邮件。
- It also hides duplicate emails .
- 该系统显著减少了欺骗手段引起的重复支出。
- The system dramatically reduced fraudulent duplicate payouts .
- 这是一个绝妙的想法,可以促进创新、消除重复劳动并且省钱。
- It 's a terrific idea that will foster innovation , eliminate duplicate effort , and save money .