- 盗贼官僚体制背后的逻辑是复杂的。
- The logic behind the kleptocratic system is complex .
- 关于薪水的争论是敏感同时复杂的。
- The arguments about pay are subtle and complex .
- 比例失衡这个问题非常复杂。
- The question is fiendishly complex .
- 创造有机化合物时,化学家要设法将碳原子聚集在一起。
- When making an organic compound , chemists have to join carbon atoms together .
- 而这种复合物的安全性和效用持久性仍然是未知数。
- Several questions remain about safety and the duration of effectiveness of the compound .
- 另一个重要的概念就是要教会孩子们有关复合利息的神奇性。
- Another critical concept that teens must be taught is the magic of compound interest .
- 酸奶酪的消费突然变成了双倍了。
- The cost of yogurt was suddenly double .
- 准备好得到双倍的收获。
- Get ready for the double portion .
- 预算赤字猛增到足足两倍的数额。
- The budget deficit had soared well into double figures .
- 希望这项研究由不同的国家进行反复的调查研究来进行确认。
- Expect the study to be repeated by several different centres just to make sure .
- 据称黑客们已经对绿坝开发商的网站进行了大量反复的攻击。
- Hackers are reported to have mounted repeated attacks on the website of green dam 's developer .
- 我们从同一经历中所获得的愉快体验会随着重复的接触而逐渐枯竭。
- The amount of pleasure we can get from the same experience tails off with repeated exposure .