- 备注:此次活动报名者均有机会参加青协面试,具体志愿者岗位安排将在面试后明确分配。
- Remarks : applicants for this activity have the opportunities to participate in youth association interview and specifically assign work posts of volunteers after interview .
- 姚明也同样因为他幽默机智的话语受到了外界的广泛赞誉。
- Yao also earned a great deal of praise for his humorous and intelligent remarks .
- 《地下的人》是浪漫的并且拥有最终希望的,但是就像作者在某处备注的那样:“从海平面重新升起的太阳不会是新的开始,这与南加利福尼亚一点关系也没有”。
- The underground man is romantic and finally hopeful - though , as the author sourly remarks elsewhere : " there was nothing wrong with southern california that a rise in the ocean level wouldn 't cure . "