- 每个人都转过去背对着我。
- Everyone turned their back on me .
- 然后我们走了回去。
- And then we walked back .
- 她把手缩回去,笑了笑。
- She pulls back and smiles .
- 另外,icloud使得ios设备可以通过无线网络进行自动备份。
- Additionally , icloud enables automatic wireless backups for ios devices .
- 关于android上的不完全备份我们已谈论一段时间了。
- We talked about the incomplete nature of backups on android a while back .
- 每个额外节点都需要额外的内存来保存集群中每个节点的备份,所以很快就会用光内存。
- Each extra session requires extra memory for its backups on every node in the cluster , so you quickly run out of memory .
- 有些这样的志愿者是72小时持续待命的,而且可能去世界的各个地方。
- Some volunteers are on 72-hour standby to go anywhere in the world .
- 另外平台附近还有一艘船只随时待命以防有紧急情况发生。
- Another vessel is kept on standby near the platform all the time , in case of emergency .
- 不同于传统的“睡眠”和“休眠”模式,woa设备将有一个“连接待命”模式,类似于智能手机。
- Instead of going into sleep or hibernate modes , woa machines will have a connected standby mode , similar to smartphones .