- 专利局和地方法院现在必须试着搞清楚最高法院的意思。
- The patent office and lower courts must now try to make sense of the ruling .
- 不过现在,我想,我得开始为下一次拜访签证处存点钱了。
- For now , I guess I 'll have to start saving up for my next trip to the visa office .
- 我闯入了她的办公室。
- I broke into her office .
- 我每样东西都有固定放置地点。
- I have a place for everything .
- 这是一个上演大结局的华丽地点。
- It 's a gorgeous place to hold an apocalypse .
- 你经历过他刚才所描述的事情吗?
- Have you been in the place that he just described ?
- 前面提到的产品部门。
- The production department from above .
- 任命他为助理部门经理。
- Call him associate department head .
- 司法部一位发言人拒绝对此置评。
- A justice department spokeswoman declined to comment .
- 我无力反驳这一点。
- I can 't argue the point .
- 但是英特尔漏掉一点。
- But intel had a point .
- 最后一点非常重要。
- The last point is crucial .